The Foot and Ankle Lab
In these modules, review the concepts taught in lecture and better understand the biomechanics of normal and abnormal movement, evaluation process, and treatment approach as it relates to the foot and ankle!
Introduction to the Foot and Ankle Lab
Evaluation Introduction
Review Static Landmarks
Evaluation of Bilateral and Unilateral Standing
Gait Analysis - Sagittal and Frontal Planes
Ankle and Great Toe ROM
Movement Analysis Introduction
Gait Analysis - At Varying Speeds and Forces
Abnormal Gait - Bunions
Abnormal Gait - Limited Ankle Dorsiflexion
Abnormal Gait - Limited Great Toe Extension
Abnormal Movement - Unable to Maintain Subtalar Neutral
Introduction to the Evolutionary Mismatch
Effects of Modern Shoes - Heel Strike
Effects of Modern Shoes - Decreased Stability
Introduction to Intervention Techniques
A Word About Proper Footwear
Tight Achilles
Functional Foot and Ankle Strength
Functional LE Single Leg Exercise
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