Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Foot and Ankle Lab

    1. Evaluation Introduction

    2. Review Static Landmarks

    3. Evaluation of Bilateral and Unilateral Standing

    4. Gait Analysis - Sagittal and Frontal Planes

    5. Ankle and Great Toe ROM

    1. Movement Analysis Introduction

    2. Gait Analysis - At Varying Speeds and Forces

    3. Abnormal Gait - Bunions

    4. Abnormal Gait - Limited Ankle Dorsiflexion

    5. Abnormal Gait - Limited Great Toe Extension

    6. Abnormal Movement - Unable to Maintain Subtalar Neutral

    1. Introduction to the Evolutionary Mismatch

    2. Effects of Modern Shoes - Heel Strike

    3. Effects of Modern Shoes - Decreased Stability

    1. Introduction to Intervention Techniques

    2. A Word About Proper Footwear

    3. Bunions

    4. Tight Achilles

    5. Functional Foot and Ankle Strength

    6. Functional LE Single Leg Exercise

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  • 21 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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